Convention Results

Sat, Jul 6, 2024 12:00 AM


Grant Goal: The goal for mission grants was set by the members at $300,000! 

Mite Goal: The goal for mites is $400,000 (this is the grant goal increased to allow for the amount of mites that are sent for the national grants).

There were 20 proposed grants; 14 are totally funded and 1 partially funded totaling the Grant Goal of $300,000!

Newly elected officers are:

  • President - Ruth Steele, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Caro Franconian Zone
  • Vice President of Communication - Jacki Parmer, Immanuel Lutheran, Macomb Evergreen Zone
  • Vice President of Mission Outreach - Carol Swenson, St. Paul Lutheran, Millington Multi-Lakes Zone
  • Vice President of Organizational Resources - Linda Murdock, Living Water Lutheran Church, Whitemore Lake Ann Arbor Zone
  • Financial Secretary - Allison Schulz, Good Shepherd Lutheran, Cass City Thumb Zone
  • Pastoral Counselor - Rev. Jeffrey D. Frechette, Sr, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Clare in the Mid-Michigan Zone
  • Nominating Committee - Joann D. Gust, Sandra Newport, Marie Riley

Ingathering for Gifts from the Heart - Total of 19,696 items

  • Markers - 2,833
  • Pencils - 3,696
  • Crayons - 9,991
  • Dry Erase Markers - 463
  • Glue Sticks - 570
  • Disinfectant Wipes - 86 containers
  • Other Supplies - 2,057

Gift cards were received for Concordia Theological Seminary at Ft Wayne and Concordia Seminary St. Louis, totaling $5,075.

God is Good! Let us give thanks - and get to work!