Location: St. Paul Lutheran and Emmaus Lutheran, 420 East Liberty St., Ann Arbor.
Location: Trinity, Monitor.
The event will begin with breakfast at 9:00. The Prayer Day Service will follow breakfast, and the Bay Area Zone meeting will be held at the end of the service.
Location: Hope Lutheran Church, Linden, MI 48451
Location: Good Shepherd.
Luncheon Following.
Theme verse: Ps 51:10.
Theme: "Spring Cleaning for your Heart"
Location: St Luke's, Nunica
Cost: $10
Ladies will move between stations to explore Visual Faith Ministries resources, participate in a Bible study and make homemade all-purpose cleaning solution. Some of the cleaning solutions and our ingathering of home and personal cleaning supplies will be donated to St Luke's food pantry. All ladies from 10 years old and up are invited. Fellowship, food and drinks provided.
Location: Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Greenville.
Theme: "Blessed are They".
Ingathering: Snack items to fill the Blessing Baskets.
Servant Activity: Packing "Blessing Baskets" for nurses and aides at nursing homes in our zone's hometowns. Gift tags will be made and attached to each basket with the Beatitudes on the tag, highlighting Matthew. 5:7.
Location: Trinity Lutheran, Sawyer, MI
Location: East Bethlehem, Detroit
Location: St. John Lutheran Church, Jenison
Location: St Luke Lutheran Church, Harrison MI